What You Need to Know About Buying a Dental Practice in 2021

What You Need to Know About Buying a Dental Practice in 2021

This has been quite a year, to say the least. While many things have changed, one thing that hasn’t changed is that dentists are still actively transitioning their practices—in many markets, we are seeing even more buying and selling activity than we saw pre-pandemic....
Pivot to Post-COVID Strategies

Pivot to Post-COVID Strategies

Difficult circumstances provide us with an opportunity to show our character. Understanding your patient’s concerns and responding with compassion will show them that you are an empathetic healthcare provider. This will serve your patients well, and can also be a...
Buying a Dental Practice Post-COVID

Buying a Dental Practice Post-COVID

If you’ve been considering buying a dental practice, a part of you may be inclined to wait until things stabilize to make a move. However, the shifting landscape is actually opening a unique window of opportunity for buyers. The wide-reaching economic pause, combined...